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International School Successfully Held the English Reading and Writing Competition

发布日期:2020-11-09    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

International School Successfully Held the English Reading and Writing Competition

From 12:30 to 13:30 on December 8, the first English Reading and Writing contest held by International School kicked off in classrooms 404, 405, and 409 of the Qizhi Building. The competition is divided into two stages: the preliminary round and the final.

Dr. Sal Highlighting the Cautions of the Competition

Students from the classes of 2018, 2019 and 2020 of the International School actively participated, creating a cheerful atmosphere for the competition. The contestants were absorbed in the contest and writing the paper attentively, which greatly demonstrated their earnest attitude towards learning.

Students Attentively Writing the Paper in the Preliminary Stage

After the preliminary round, 16 students won out and qualified for the final. From 12:30 to 13:30 on December 15th, the final of the English Reading and Writing Contest of International School was held in classroom 405 of the Qizhi Building. Having experienced the preliminary round, these finalists appeared to devote themselves to the final and cherish the chance more. Each of them was dedicated to striving for the top spot.

Students Attentively Writing the Paper in the Final

After the final, teachers carefully marked the papers and fairly picked out the winners. The list of winners was announced on December 24.

The First Prize

Deng En; majoring in English of the International Class, class of 2018

The Second Prize

Zeng Xiner; majoring in English of the International Class, class of 2018

Chen Linshuo; majoring in Pre-school Education of the International Class, class of 2020

The Third Prize

Deng Honglong; majoring in Accounting of the International Class 1, class of 2020

Hu Keying; majoring in English of the International Class, class of 2018

Wu Qiutong; majoring in English of the Overseas Innovation Class, class of 2020

The Excellent Award

Chen Xiangyu; majoring in Accounting of the International Class 1, class of 2020

Zhang Hongyi; majoring in Accounting of the International Class 1, class of 2020

The first English Reading and Writing Contest achieved a successful conclusion. The competition aimed to improve students’ abilities of English expression, thinking and innovation, provide them with chances to practice and test themselves, and enrich their college life.