
Overseas Study Tour

Overseas Study Tour

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Seven-Week Overseas Class

发布日期:2023-06-09    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:


The seven-week overseas class is a special program designed for the students of the Bilingual and Overseas Innovative classes. Through seven weeks of professional learning and practicum, students obtain corresponding course credits stipulated by Huashang College in the English (Japanese) speaking environment. The program is usually scheduled during the first or the second summer holidays and the courses are free for the students. The program aims to increase students’ intercultural communication skills, their professional knowledge, enhance their language application ability, and to further cultivate international professional talents.


In 2019, students majoring in preschool education of the Bilingual Class participated in the short-term study abroad program in Melbourne, Australia. The following photos show students engaged during the program.



 Students Participate in a Kindergarten Lesson


Local Faculty mentor and guide students



Study Time




Time to Return Home Group Photo: Time to Celebrate