
Overseas Study Tour

Overseas Study Tour

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Overseas IELTS Training Program

发布日期:2023-06-09    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

Overseas IELTS Training Program

Program Overview

In order to meet the admission requirements to higher education institutions in English-speaking countries (Australia, English, America, New Zealand), this 21 day immersion program is designed to help students practice English skills. The program is facilitated by local professional foreign teachers. Living in an English-speaking environment, students can better enhance their language proficiency, understand cultural diversity, expand their horizons, and improve their employment competitiveness. The courses are free for all students of the International School.


Program Features

Experienced IELTS tutors helping students achieve their IELTS goals;

Providing an immersion study environment;

Focus on practice with 2 mock exams;

Conducting various activities based on IELTS test skills;

Experiencing local culture and enjoying local cuisine;


Highlights from the 2019 Program


IELTS Intensive Training in Melbourne, Australia in 2019


Group photo: Students eager to learn


IELTS Training Class: Focus and Attention