The Inaugural Ceremony of the Overseas Alumni Association
of International School
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Guangzhou Huashang College (the former Huashang College of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics), the Inaugural Ceremony of the Overseas Alumni Association of International School was held in classroom 401 of Qizhi Building on December 26th.
The guests included Mrs. Liao Yiman, Mrs. Wang Jinxiu & Mr. Zhong Senwen, the Vice President of Guangzhou Huashang College; Mr. Huang Guofu, the Director of Alumni Office of Guangzhou Huashang College; Mr. Wang Wenzhong, the Director of the International Exchange & Cooperation Office of Guangzhou Huashang College; Mr. Chen Shaohong, the Vice Dean of the Foreign Languages School of Guangzhou Huashang College; Mrs. Xiong Zike, the Assistant of the Vice President of Guangzhou Huashang College and Ms. Zeng Yawen, the representative of the Overseas Alumni Association Consultants of the International School. In addition, Prof. Yu Huifen, the Dean of the International School; Prof. Li Pinghai, the Vice Dean of the International School; alumni representatives; staff and students of the International School attended the ceremony.
Before the start of the ceremony, a congratulatory video from the consultant and alumni of the Overseas AlumniAssociation was shown.
You can scan the QR code below to watch the congratulatory video:

The ceremony consisted of ten parts: reporting the preliminary work of the founding of the Overseas Alumni Association of the International School, announcing itsformationand the list of the council members, issuing the appointment letters, speeches from the President of theOverseas Alumni Associationand an outstanding alumni representative, speeches from Vice President Liao Yiman and Wang Jinxiu, Dean Yu Huifen and Ms. Zeng Yawen, and the alumni donating souvenirs.
To kick-off the ceremony,MsSun Yifan, the President of theOverseas Alumni Associationof the International School, reported the preliminary work of the alumni association’s founding. She said the preparation work began in October,2020.During these months, the preparation team activelycommunicatedwith alumni,consulted with domestic and overseas consultants, faculty,established the alumni charter and determined the council members.

Sun Yifan Reporting the Preliminary Work of the Founding of the Overseas Alumni Association
Then, Director Huang Guofu read the charter of the alumni association and announced the list of the council members: Sun Yifan, appointed as thePresident; Huang Ruikang, Weng Zhi and Xu Junming, appointed as theVicePresident; Luo Jiayu, appointed as the Secretary General; Huang Lidian and Hu Tiefeng, appointed as the Deputy Secretary General.

Director Huang Reading the Charter of the Alumni Association and Announcing the List of the Council Members
Next, Vice President Wang Jinxiupresentedthe appointment letters.

Afterwards, Sun Yifan, gave her speech. Shethoughtthe Overseas Alumni Association as a bridge for alumni to communicate withAlmaMater, as well as a platform for alumni to exchange information, share resources and keep in touchwith each other. She believed that through joint efforts of all members, the association would play its due role,live up to the high expectations, and develop trust between the Alma Mater and alumni.

Sun Yifan Giving Her Speech
Later, Huang Ruikang, the excellent alumni representative, made his speech. He expressed hisgratitudetotheAlmaMater forhercultivationand determined tomake contributions to it.

Huang Ruikang Making His Speech
After speeches of the alumni,Mrs.LiaoYiman,the Vice President of Guangzhou Huashang College,delivered a speech.At the start,sheoffered her greatcongratulations tothe establishment of the Overseas Alumni Association oftheInternational School.Additionally, shetoldthe alumnito keeptheirChineseidentity in mind andencouragedthemto actively participate in extracurricular activitiesto make full developmentpossible.In the closing, she hopedthealumni wouldoftenreturntovisit school after graduation.

Vice President Liao Yiman Delivering a Speech
ThenVice President WangJinxiu also delivereda speech. She expressed her great pleasure to witness theestablishmentof the Overseas Alumni Association. She mentioned that sincethe International School wasestablishedin 2015,ithas achieved remarkable results in international education. She hoped thattheInternationalSchoolwouldbecome larger and better,and the alumni couldcherish the memoryof theircampus lifeandbravely embraceabright future.

Vice President WangJinxiuGiving a Speech
Then followed thespeechofDean YuHuifen.Firstly, shesaidthat althoughthe International School hasonly two classes of graduates, the alumni havemadesatisfactoryachievements.She thought theexcellentperformance of the alumnireflectedthe stage result ofthe international education of Huashang College.In addition, she hoped that the alumni association, while performing its regulartasks, would become a platform for tellingalumni successstories and promoting cultural exchanges between China and other countries.At last, she expected thealumniwouldmake success andadd luster to AlmaMater and the motherland.

Dean Yu Huifen Making a Speech
Subsequently, Ms ZengYawen madea speech. Shethought itherhonor to attend theceremony.She toldthe alumnitolearn skills from their overseas experienceandstressedthe importance of personal development.

Ms ZengYawen Making a Speech
At thecloseof the ceremony, the alumnidonatedsouvenirs to AlmaMater.VicePresident WangJinxiu& ZhongSenwen received the souvenirs on behalf of Huashang College.

The Inaugural Ceremony of theOverseas Alumni Associationof the International Schoolcame to a successful conclusion. Wish thealumni a brilliant future.

Group Photo