A Graduate of the International School Has Received Offer of
Doctoral Degree from University of Bristol in UK
Miss.Ling Wanqi, a graduate of Class 2015,from the “3+1” Sino-British credit mutual recognition program of the International School, hasreceivedtheofferof doctoral degreefromthe University of Bristol in UK.
She majored in International Business at the InternationalSchool ofHuashangCollege during the first three years.For the final year, she studied at the cooperative university--the University of Huddersfield. The Sino-British joint education mode helped her quickly adapt to the study environment abroad and laid a solid foundationfor heracademicsuccess.After graduation, she successfully applied for the Master's Degree in Educationatthe University of Glasgow intheUK. Her persistence, devotion and outstanding performance have won recognition of famous universities abroad, finally she succeeded in obtaining theofferfor the doctoral programin Preschool Educationof he University of Bristol in UK.
Thisacademic achievementof LingWanqi wasinseparable from her efforts and thegood platform provided by Huashang College.Till now, Huashang Collegehasdeveloped various sino-foreignjoint training programsby cooperating with overseas universities likethe University of Huddersfield, the University of Strathclyde, the University of Otagoandthe University of Canberra.In addition, the InternationalSchoolhas been persisting onthe cultivation of internationalized and innovativetalents,and encouraged graduates to pursue further studies at home and abroad.To date, the success rate ofgraduates of Class2015and 2016applying for overseasstudy for the master’s degreehasreached64%and 75% respectively, and mostof the graduateshave been admittedtothe world's top 100 universities.

(Graduate Ling Wanqi)