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The Second "EIS Cup" IELTS Competition was Held Successfully

发布日期:2022-11-29    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

The Second "EIS Cup" IELTS Competition was Held Successfully

To help students better know the IELTS test and clearly find their strength and weakness in IELTS, the International School of Guangzhou Huashang College and Edvantage Institute of Singapore (EIS) jointly held the second "EIS Cup" IELTS competition.

On November 28th, the IELTS competition started at 18:30 in Qizhi Building. First, the invigilators explained the requirements and cautions of the exam. Due to the limitation of time and space, the contents of this examination paper is simplified to three reading comprehensions and one writing test.

During the exam, the invigilators maintained the discipline, aiming to provide a good test experience.

Contestants fully showed their English reading and writing skills in the model test. Teachers from the School of Foreign Languages were invited to mark these exam papers. According to the competition rules, finally 12 students won out. The list of the 12 winners was announced as follows:

Wu Ziqiong scored 7.0 points

Xie Tong scored 6.5 points

Yang Mengtong scored 6.0 points

Yu Zhengyang scored 5.5 points

He Meixuan scored 5.5 points

Chen Xiangyu scored 5.5 points

Chen Wenrui scored 5.0 points

Xie Tingting scored 5.0 points

Li Haowang scored 4.5 points

Lu Yunzhi scored 4.5 points

Gong Yuxin scored 4.5 points

Liu Jinmei scored 4.5 points

For the above students who will pass IELTS test from November 2022 to March 2023 with a score of 6.0 or above, the top five will be reimbursed for an IELTS test fee.

Look forward to good results from the winners!

(Photos/Words from International School)