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Sharing Session on Short-term Overseas Studying

发布日期:2019-09-06    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

Sharing Session on Short-term Overseas Studying

The International School held the sharing session on short-term overseas studyingin the Lizhi Building on November 5th, 2019. The attendees included students of the International School and other students interested in studying overseas.

(Attendees listening carefully)

Dean Yu expressed her pleasure with students participation and engagement in the session. She encouraged students to seize on overseas exchange program opportunities offered by the International School to lay a solid foundation on foreign language learning and strengthen foreign language usage.

(Dean Yu delivering the opening speech.)

During the sharing part, Chi Ruohan, a sophomore from Visual Communication Design Class, shared his 10-day learning experience at University of Martin, London. Chi mentioned that many differences existed in teaching methods between the Chinese and Western classrooms. For example, in the Art Creation course, teachers tended to accept students ideas and give specific guidance to cultivate critical thinking. In this strong artistic atmosphere, Chi created excellent work with a profound understanding of art.

(Chi Ruohan sharing his study experience at University of Martin.)

Secondly, Ma Baoyu, a sophomore from Product Design Class, also shared her study life at University of Martin, London. She showed some pictures about her daily schedule and the study environment in London. She emphasized the friendly nature of the locals, reciting her experience with her lovely landlady who made her feel at home. Whats more, living in London, an old city full of artistic and classic atmosphere provides students with an atmosphere congenial for creative inspiration.

(Ma Baoyu sharing her experience in London.)

Thirdly, Wang Yuqing, a sophomore from Preschool Education International and Experimental Class, shared her 2-month study experience at the Global Business College of Australia (GBCA). Beside theoretical courses practical learning activities were included in each week. Wang engaged in volunteering at a Melbourne kindergarten school, providing her the opportunity to get to know local children. A demonstration of the warm relationships formed is a video of her and the kindergarten children that was sent to her as a memento from the school. After watching the video all the attendees were deeply touched.

(Wang Yuqing sharing her experience in Australia.)

In closing, Dean Yu made concluding comments on the sharing session. She was delighted that students gained a lot from overseas studying programs. Moreover, she hoped that everyone attending learned from the three students sharing and continue broadening their horizons in the future.

(Dean Yu making a conclusion speech.)