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2020 Freshman Opening Ceremony of the International School

发布日期:2020-10-28    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

2020 Freshman Opening Ceremony of the International School

The Class of 2020 opening ceremony of the International School was held on October 27th, 2020 in the hall of Huashang Conference Center. Attendees included all the freshmen and senior student representatives. Staff and faculty representative included: Professor Zhong Senwen, the Vice President of Huashang College; Mr. Wang Wenzhong, the Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office; Dr. Sal, Ms Jiang Yujun, Ms Jin Yihan, Ms Xiaoxiao; Professor Yu Huifen, the Dean of the International School; Professor Li Pinghai, the Vice Dean of the International School; Mr Yang Lijun, the Counselor of the International School; and the faculty from the International School and the International Exchange and Cooperation Office.

The ceremony consisted of four parts: singing the national anthem, the Vice President delivering a speech, and speeches from both the senior and freshman representatives.

To start the ceremony, the audience rose to join in the singing of national anthem.

Singing the national anthem

Then, the Vice President Zhong presented the opening address. He stressed that boldly speaking and daring to make mistakes are important for learning a language.

He shared his experience in the United States where most Chinese students didn’t master English well but they studied harder and spoke English bravely. Finally, they were capable of making daily communication with English-speaking people. In addition, Vice President Zhong mentioned that many companies in China prefer candidates who have mastered at least one foreign language and that multilingual candidates have a competitive advantage in the job market. He encouraged students to seize study opportunities for a brilliant future.

Vice President Zhong delivering an opening address

Subsequently, Miss Wang Xiyao, a senior representative, made a speech. She mentioned that it is necessary to set goals at the beginning of each semester. She appealed to freshmen to grasp chances at college, manage their time reasonably, cherish hope and gratefulness and make progress together.

Miss Wang Xiyao, the senior representative, making a speech

Finally, Mr Hu Tiefeng, a freshman representative, gave a speech. He stated that self-understanding is crucial for internationalized talent development, and it includes three points: being a rational person, a brilliant person, and finally a person of noble character. At the end of his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the teachers and believed that there would be (he welcomes) a colorful life in the next four years.

Mr Hu Tiefeng, the freshman representative, making a speech

The Class of 2020 opening ceremony of the International School came to a successful conclusion with a start of a new and exciting chapter for all the freshmen.