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International School Freshmen Orientation Kickoff

发布日期:2019-09-16    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

International School Freshmen Orientation Kickoff

To help freshmen understand the significance of college, adapt to college life and accelerate their healthy development, the International School organized the freshmen orientation on September 14th.

In the morning, Yang Lijun, the Counselor of the International School, gave an orientation course to the freshmen. After briefly introducing himself, he elaborated on ‘the International School structure’, ‘talent cultivation’ and ‘a wonderful college life experience. He emphasized that college is different from high school and independence is the more import for college success. In addition, he encouraged students to set goals, make plans and enrich the college life. Finally, he wished freshmen comprehensive development and wonderful college life.

Counselor Yang Giving the Introduction to Freshmen

Student Sun Yifan Holding a Sharing Meeting

In the afternoon, Sun Yifan, an excellent graduate of Class 2016 of the International School, held a sharing meeting with the theme of get out of the confusion at college for freshmen. First of all, she shared her studying experience at the University of Huddersfield in UK. By sharing her three-year study at Huashang College in China, she gave some learning suggestions for the freshmen. For the confusion freshmen may be confronted with when entering college, she thought it understandable and hoped freshmen are able to navigate themselves forward successfully. In addition, she advised freshmen to fully engage in class and actively participate in extracurricular activities for a colorful college life and better preparation for oversea studies. During the sharing, students listened attentively and interacted actively. At the close of the meeting, students asked questions and Sun Yifan patiently answered them.

Students Listening Attentively