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Promotional Video of International School

发布日期:2022-04-25    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

Promotional Video of International School

The promotional introduction video of the International School was officially released on the WeChat Video Channel on April 1st, 2022. The 3 min video records the school characteristics, achievements, and development of the International School. As the debut work on the WeChat Video Channel of the International School, it has gained much attention and been generally welcomed since it’s release.

(Scan Code to Watch the Promotional Video of the International School)

The International School has attached great importance to external publicity, by creating the WeChat official account, the WeChat video channel, and the first Chinese-English bilingual Huashang College website. It also developed a well-designed bulletin board, electronic screen, glass-fronted billboard, and published delicate brochures.

The International school has been making full use of various publicity means and platforms, and exploring new forms of external publicity, striving to make itself a media for the world to know Huashang College, and promote a bridge connecting Huashang College with the world.