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International School’sLecture on “Tips For Getting High Scores in the IELTS Test”

发布日期:2021-09-13    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

International School’sLecture on 

“Tips For Getting High Scores in the IELTS Test”

In order to help students to familiarize themselves with IELTS test contents and prepare for the IELTS test efficiently, Sun Yifan, the outstanding graduate of the International School, held a lecture on “Tips of Getting High Scores in the IELTS Test” in Room C208 of Lizhi Building on November 10th,2021.

Brief Introduction of Sun Yifan

Sun Yifan is an outstanding graduate of the International School, Guangzhou Huashang College. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a master's degree in TESOL and obtained a first-class degree from the University of Huddersfield in the UK during her undergraduate studies. Sheearnedhigh scores in the IELTS test: a8.5 score in the IELTS reading test anda7 score in the IELTS listening test.During her undergraduate studies in the International School, Guangzhou Huashang College, shereceivedmany honors and awards includingtheNational Scholarship and the First Prize of School Outstanding Student.

Sun Yifan:Suggestions on IELTSTestPreparation

At thestartof the lecture, Sun Yifan talked about making planstostudy aboard and IELTS studies. Firstly, she summarized the two most important conditions for applying for studying abroad based on her own experience: excellent academic performance and good English language competence.In addition, she suggested to students that once the idea of studying abroad is clear, they should make plans and take the IELTS test early. Then, she shared tipsfor theIELTS oral test preparationfrom twoaspects: the content and the scoring standings of the IELTS oral test and how to get high scores in the third part of the oral test.


Sun YifanSharingtheTips for IELTSOralTestPreparation

Teacher of the New OrientalGivingSuggestions toStudents

Finally, the teacherfromNew Oriental introduced the benefits of IELTS for personal development, helping students to pass the CET-4 and CET-6 tests, helping students to pass the application of studying abroad, and helping students to obtain employment. She encouragedall students to learn IELTScontentwell, prepare for IELTS testsseriously, and strive to get good scoresforthe IELTS tests.


After the lecture, students consulted with teachers about IELTS test actively. In the end, the teachers distributed the IELTS test preparation materials to students so that they could prepare for the IELTS test better. The lecture came to a successful conclusion.