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2021 Freshman English Intensive Training Camp Closing Ceremony

发布日期:2021-12-20    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

2021 Freshman English Intensive Training Camp Closing Ceremony

In order toallowfreshmen to experience the international atmosphere,helpthem better adapt to classes in English, andboost confidencein Englishlearning; the International School organized a three-day English intensive training camp for the 2021 freshmen of International School.

After the three-day training, the freshmen presented an elaborately prepared stage show on October 26th, 2021 intheHuashang Conference Center. Attendees included all the freshmen, senior student representatives. Staff and faculty in attendance included: Professor Zhong Senwen, the Vice President of Huashang College; Mr Wang Wenzhong, the Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office; Dr. SalMirza, Mr.ColinBlack andMs.Lu Yan, the faculty of the camp;Professor Yu Huifen, the Dean of the International School; Professor Li Pinghai, the Vice Dean of the International School; Mr.Yang Lijun, the Counselor of the International School; and thestafffrom the International School.

To kick-off the event, Wang Qianas a representative of the freshmengave a speech. She appreciated thislearningopportunityprovided by school, andthoughtthe training camp improvedher confidence in learning English.

Wang Qian, theFreshmanRepresentative,Making aSpeech

Then, Mr.ColinBlackand Ms.Lu Yan,thefaculty from the training camp, gave speeches. Mr.Colin expressed hispleasureto witness thegrowthof the 2021 freshmen cohort and encouraged students towork hardto improve themselves. Ms.Lu Yan felthonoredto spend a great time withthefreshmen andfelt delighted withstudents’ wonderful performances.

Mr.ColinBlackand Ms.Lu Yan, theFacultyof theTrainingCamp,GivingSpeeches

Thenfreshmen presented a stage show totheaudience.Students were confident and devoted, bringingawonderful performance. Various forms of programs were showed, including songs, dances and dramas.Students’excellentacting and fluentexpressionimpressed the audience deeply and were highly praised.


After the performance, Dr. SalMirzamade comments. He praised the students’ acting talentsandprogress in English,and believed that the training camp improvedstudents’ confidence.Mr.Wang hoped that studentscould keepexpressingthemselves confidently, improve their oral Englishandgive full play to their advantages and talentsthrough more practice.

Dr. SalMirzaandMr.WangMakingComments

Afterwards,the honored guests presented awardstoeightteamsacknowledgingstudents’ enthusiastic participation andoutstandingperformances.

Award Ceremony

In conclusion, Dean Yu gave a closing speech. Sheadmired thestudents’bold attemptsand brilliantperformances.Shebelieved this training campprovideda good platformfor students to show themselves and improve their English. She thanked all the guests for theirparticipationand all the staff for their collaboration during the camp, especially thefacultyfor their efforts in the class.

Dean YuGiving aConcludingSpeech

The ceremony of the training campcameto asuccessfulend, with a series of rewarding activities. We all look forward to the Class of 2022 English intensive training camp.

Class of 2021Group Photo