
Excellent Alumni

Excellent Alumni

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Ling Wanqi

发布日期:2023-06-08    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:


Ling Wan Qi was from Class 2015 majoring in International Business. In 2019, she received bachelor’s degree from Huashang College and University of Huddersfield and continued her postgraduate study at University of Glasgow, majoring in pedagogy.

Ling shared her feelings of studying at University of Glasgow. She was impressed by people’s smiling and learned how to show confidence. Glasgow’s pedagogy enjoyed great reputation and Ling has devoted herself to it. Because of getting used to British teaching method, she would actively interact with teachers and gradually became confident. She always believed that no matter how big the gap between her and others was, at least, she is standing in the same position with them, starting from the same starting point, and creating their own brilliant future.

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(Glasgow’s scenery)

At the end, Ling gave some suggestions to the students who are going abroad. Communicating more with foreigners with an attitude of making friends; brave to break conventional thinking and exercise critical thinking.