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Professor Wang Zhuo

发布日期:2023-06-09    作者:     来源:太阳成集团tyc9728     点击:

Professor Wang Zhuo, PhD of Arts and of Manchu nationality, got his B.A in the Japanese Department of Northeast Normal University of China in 1985, his M.A in the Japanese Studies Institute of Jilin University in 1988, and then in 2002 his Ph.D in the Chinese Department of Jinan University (Guangdong province). From 1988 to 2005 he worked in College of Arts of Hainan University as teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor, professor and vice principle (2000); from 2005 to 2015 he became professor and the vice principle of the Foreign Language College of Jinan University. Since 2016 till the present, Pro. Wang has been dedicated to his work as dean of the Foreign Language Department of Guangdong Financial & Economic University Huashang College.

Apart from his Japanese teaching career, Pro.Wang’s devotion to the Japanese studies also achieves a lot. He published several books such asA Collection of References for Comparative Studies Between Chinese and Japanese in 2002,Imagination: Novels by Oe Kenzaburo in 2004 andTHE OTHER Perspectives & Japanese Education: Studies on Japan in 2014. His translations include books likePersonal Experience (1995) andAesthetics: A Lead to the Experience of Passive Reception (2008). His academic papers totals over 40 and were published in some key journals likeSocial Science Frontier, Studies On Arts andStudies on Foreign Literature. In 2010 he completed one provincially funded research project (2006-2010) and then in 2017 he finished another nationally funded research project (2011-2017)